The Future of the THB10 Million Housing Industry in Thailand

Record-Breaking Direction for Real Estate Developers

In the first quarter of 2023, major real estate developers in Thailand have set a new record for the direction of their new projects. This reflects their confidence and the opportunities they see to drive sales and revenue, particularly in the luxury housing segment with prices ranging from 10 to 300 million baht. Despite concerns raised by the Real Estate Information Center (REIC) about the negative outlook for the real estate market in 2023 due to high household debt, developers remain optimistic about the potential for growth.

Challenges in the Real Estate Market

According to REIC Acting Director-General Wichai Viratakaphan, although the real estate market has been more active this year with the launch of new projects, there are still several factors that could hinder its growth. One of the main challenges is the high level of household debt, which currently stands at 86-87% of GDP. Additionally, interest rates have risen to 0.75-1 percent, reducing the purchasing power of potential buyers. As a result, the demand for houses and condominiums is expected to gradually decline in 2023.

The Niche Market of THB10 Million Housing

While developers are eager to tap into the THB10 million housing market for better performance and higher profits, it is important to note that this is a niche market with limited demand. Currently, lower-priced housing projects face difficulties in obtaining credit, while luxury buyers often have no credit problems and some even purchase properties in cash. However, oversupply can become an issue if multiple developers simultaneously launch projects in this segment. Success in this market depends on factors such as location and brand reputation, making caution essential for developers.

The Target Group for THB10 Million Housing

The target group for houses priced at THB10 million or more includes the new generation of online sellers and individuals involved in the crypto business. Additionally, wealthy individuals who prefer to live close to the city are also part of this target group. While penthouses were previously their preferred choice, they are now shifting towards housing options that offer more functionality and usable spaces.

Government Initiatives and Future Prospects

It is crucial for the government to focus on supporting vulnerable groups by establishing a fund to help them access first home loans. This would provide much-needed assistance to those who aspire to own a home but face financial barriers. Furthermore, granting long-term visas or LTR visas to foreigners planning to work or retire in Thailand could encourage them to invest in the country’s real estate market. These initiatives, if implemented, could have a positive impact on the THB10 million housing industry in Thailand.


The THB10 million housing industry in Thailand is experiencing significant interest from real estate developers, despite challenges in the market. While the demand for luxury housing remains strong, oversupply issues and limited demand in this niche market should be carefully considered. The government’s support for vulnerable groups and foreign investors could play a crucial role in shaping the future of this industry. As we move forward, it will be interesting to see how the THB10 million housing market evolves in the coming year.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are THB10 million houses considered luxury properties?

No, THB10 million houses are not necessarily considered luxury properties. They fall within the higher price range of the market, but luxury is subjective and can vary based on location and amenities.

2. What are the main challenges facing the real estate market in Thailand?

The main challenges facing the real estate market in Thailand include high household debt, rising interest rates, and limited purchasing power. These factors can affect the demand for houses and condominiums.

3. Who are the target buyers for THB10 million housing?

The target buyers for THB10 million housing include the new generation of online sellers, individuals involved in the crypto business, and wealthy individuals who prefer to live close to the city.

4. What initiatives can the government take to support the housing market?

The government can establish a fund to help vulnerable groups access first home loans and grant long-term visas to foreigners planning to work or retire in Thailand. These initiatives can boost the housing market and attract foreign investors.

5. How can real estate developers ensure success in the THB10 million housing market?

Real estate developers can ensure success in the THB10 million housing market by carefully selecting the location and brand reputation of their projects. They should also consider the potential for oversupply and the specific demands of the niche market.

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